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Teleflora - Unlike other online flowers

Teleflora: By choosing Teleflora when you order flowers you know that you are sending the most beautiful, high-quality floral arrangement possible. Unlike other online flowers, every Teleflora flower arrangement is designed and hand-delivered by a professional florist whose flower shop is in the same neighborhood as the recipient of your thoughtful gift.

So your flower delivery arrives fresh and beautiful. It’s the only way to send flowers, plants and gift baskets. When you want the best, that is. If you’re looking for the widest selection of the freshest and most beautiful flowers, plants and gift baskets, you’ve come to the right place.

Save 15% on Festive Holiday Centerpieces from Teleflora! (Code: AFPX15)


Make their day bloom with a lush bouquet that s as charming as a cottage garden! Pink and peach roses mingle with cool lavender chrysanthemums, creating the perfect complement to a misty lavender glass vase.

Send a bouquet that s a party in itself. With a festive birthday balloon atop an explosion of colorful flowers, it s sure to add just the right spark to the celebration.

All their wishes will come true when they receive this bright and sunny flower arrangement - a summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters, hot pink and orange carnations and more, adorned with a cheerful yellow plaid bow.

Whether at the office or in their home, our garden dish, filled with an artful display of white-on-green plants, will be an everlasting reminder of your thoughtfulness.


Save 10% on
Fresh Teleflora flowers,
starting at $29.99
vase included!

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